Southeast Woodstock Employment Lands

/ Planning / Urban Design

GSP Group provided land use planning services as part of a multi-disciplinary team to prepare a Comprehensive Review, Servicing Strategy and Secondary Plan for a future employment area along Highways 401 and 403 in Southeast Woodstock. The planning framework has assisted the City to expand its settlement boundary to include up to 612 hectares of land annexed from the Township of Norwich to accommodate future employment growth. GSP Group also assisted with the preparation of an Official Plan Amendment to implement the first phases of the settlement area expansion and employment secondary plan.

The Secondary Plan was developed under the Planning Act and is integrated with the infrastructure planning as required by the Municipal Engineers Association’s Class Environmental Assessment for Water, Wastewater and Roads Master Plan. The process of developing the Secondary Plan and Servicing Strategy involves a detailed review of existing conditions including land use, environment, transportation / access, archaeological and cultural heritage and other resources. It establishes the recommended land use, transportation and infrastructure plan for the study area. To supplement the design policies of the Secondary Plan, GSP Group also prepared Urban Design Guidelines for site layout and design and buildings, including demonstration plans for traditional industrial, business park and commercial site design.