About Us
GSP Group features three integrated practices: planning, urban design, and landscape architecture.

Our planning practice includes development planners and policy planners who work with both municipal clients and clients in the private development sector to foster responsible growth and to shape the land-use fabric of urban and rural communities.
- Official Plan & Zoning By-law Reviews
- Community & Secondary Plans
- Municipal Planning Advisory Services
- Site Planning
- Plans of Subdivision & Condominium
- Urban & Rural Development Approvals
- Development Feasibility & Optimal Use Studies
- Community Improvement Plans
- Project Management
- Public Consultation & Facilitation
- Expert Testimony
- Expropriation & Compensation Studies
- Planning Justification Reports
- Parks & Recreation Master Plans

Urban Design
Our urban design practice is comprised of urban design specialists with diverse design-based backgrounds, often working as a bridge between our planning and landscape architecture practices, who endeavor to shape an attractive and lively physical form for communities.
- Feasibility & Community Visioning Studies
- 3D Visualization & Massing Studies
- Development Concepts
- Community Master Planning
- Community Improvement Studies
- Urban Design Guidelines & Briefs
- Design Review Panel Presentation
- Visual Impact Study
- Streetscape Studies
- Public Engagement, Design Charettes and Visuals
- Design Development Assistance
- CPTED Analysis & Design
- Sun / Shadow Studies
- Design Constraints and Opportunity Analysis

Landscape Architecture
GSP Group’s Landscape Architects create meaningful, active, and engaging spatial experiences in parks, plazas, streetscapes, trails, and cemeteries. Working with clients, communities, and other consultants, our landscape architects produce exciting, unique, and sustainable design solutions to connect people to the places where they live, work, and play.
- Parks, Recreation & Trails Planning & Design
- Streetscape Design
- Residential, Commercial, Industrial & Campus Outdoor Spaces
- Site Plan Applications
- Vegetation & Tree Management Plans
- Contract Administration
- Construction Administration
- Site Inspection
- Cemetery Planning & Design